Thursday, October 15, 2009

Call for Joe Biden's Resignation...

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...from the Left! Arianna Huffington:
I have an idea for how he can capitalize on all the attention, and do what generations to come will always be grateful for: resign.

To be sure, Arianna is just parroting the anti-war Left's talking points, which stand in rich contrast to remarks made by our Commander-in-Chief just a few short weeks ago:

This is not a war of choice. This is a war of necessity. Those who attacked America on 9/11 are plotting to do so again. If left unchecked, the Taliban insurgency will mean an even larger safe haven from which al Qaeda would plot to kill more Americans. So this is not only a war worth fighting. This is a — this is fundamental to the defense of our people.

-Barack Hussein Obama, August 17, 2009

She concludes her article:
Newsweek's profile makes much of Joe Biden's loyalty. He's a "team player," one close friend says. And after he dissented on Afghanistan this spring he "quickly got on board."

I have no doubt that Joe Biden is a loyal guy -- the question is who deserves his loyalty most? His "team" isn't the White House, but the whole country. And if it becomes clear in the coming days that his loyalty to these two teams is in conflict, he should do the right thing. And quit.

Obama may be no drama, but Biden loves drama. And what could more dramatic than resigning the vice presidency on principle? And what principle could be more honorable than refusing to go along with a policy of unnecessarily risking American blood and treasure -- and America's national security? Now that would be a Whisky (sic) Tango Foxtrot moment for the McChrystal crowd -- one that would be a lot more significant than some lame, after-the-fact apology delivered in a too-late-to-matter book.

So the guy that "got on board" is now going to stand on principle???
So much comedy on the Left, so little time!

Cross posted at Say Anything

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