Monday, August 3, 2009

Obama's "Birthright"?

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Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Houston, challenged what she described as a bid to impeach Obama's birthright as the first black president.

Birthright? I'm not sure if this is the exact language the ditsy Sheila Jackson Lee used, but it is reported, that she made the comment in response to a bill requiring future presidents to prove they are citizens. The dictionary says birthright is
any right or privilege to which a person is entitled by birth
Regardless of your stand on the "birther" controversy, can you imagine the audacity of anyone who could claim that Obama was "entitled to be president by birth"? I thought that Obama was born in Hawaii, or Kenya, but a stable in Bethlehem strains credulity. No reports of swaddling clothes either! However, reports from his political career in Chicago did produce an abundance of other things found around stables!

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