Friday, May 22, 2009

Obama's Naval Academy Commencement Address

Military service, community's all the same, right?

With few exceptions, his remarks were met with polite, smatterings of tepid applause.

Note at 5:30, he makes a false equivalence between "community organizing and military service":

"In an era when too few citizens answer the call to community or to country, these Americans choose to serve."

At 6:42, a more pronounced back handed slap at the previous administration:

"After an era when so many institutions and individuals acted with such greed and recklessness (is is speaking about Congress??? ), it's no wonder that our military is the most trusted institution in our nation."

Hmm. Wonder if he makes the same observations about the military at DNC, the Kos Konvention or liberal coffee klatches where he derides Americans as bitter, clingers to guns and religion?

Cross posted at Say Anything

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