Saturday, March 21, 2009

Re-educate the Rich - Frank Rich!

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Poster boy for cognitive dissonance! Heh.

NYT columnist Frank Rich is out of his depths...again! He weighs in on the "culture war" and declares it over! The cultural warriors get laid off.

But listen to his reasoning behind it:

What has happened between 2001 and 2009 to so radically change the cultural climate? Here, at last, is one piece of good news in our global economic meltdown: Americans have less and less patience for the intrusive and divisive moral scolds who thrived in the bubbles of the Clinton and Bush years. Culture wars are a luxury the country — the G.O.P. included — can no longer afford.

Less patience for moral scolds??? Apparently Mr. Rich has been living in a cave for the last few weeks or is unable to apply anything in his logic tight box concerning stem cell research to what ever is happening in the financial world at the moment. This whole business of AIG executives and bonuses has brought Liberal moral scolds out of the woodwork like cockroaches in a cheap hotel! Barney Frank, Barack Obama and countless other leading lights of liberalism are all acting as nothing but moral scolds (hypocritical ones, at that, for having caused so much of the financial devastation!) when it comes to the financial institutions of this country. For Frank Rich to be so blind to the "moral scolds" on the Left, speaks of either extremely low mental wattage or extreme partisan hackmanship.
Perhaps, both!

Save your money. Brown kraft paper can line your birdcages and train your dogs just as easily as the NYT! Heh.

Cross Posted at Say Anything

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