Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hope and Change Defined

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Thank you, Rod Serling!

Obama ran his campaign on a theme of "Hope and Change". He was going to eliminate the influence of lobbyists on Washington, eliminate deficits, close Gitmo, get the troops out of Iraq on day one and generally achieve "the most ethical administration in history" (copyright Bill Clinton/Nancy Pelosi).

In the first few weeks of his administration, we've seen numerous tax cheats, lobbyists and tax cheat lobbyists paraded before us as cabinet appointments. Obama has (rightfully) waffled on troop withdrawal from Iraq, dithered over Gitmo and has proposed an unprecedented, budget busting, pork laden "stimulus" bill that has virtually everything but stimulus in it.

Much like the old episode of the Twilight Zone, where linguists finally deciphered that "To Serve Man" was a cookbook, our own crack staff of crypto-linguists have labored day and night to decipher Obama's campaign words: "Hope" and "Change".
Here is a graphic representation of their findings:

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Cross posted at Say Anything

Update: For those of you who missed it, here's video of Obama on the stump promising that lobbyists "won't work" in his White House:

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